
Yeah great points. I can’t argue with any of it hahah. American politics (on both sides) really do resemble bullying behavior, in a sense that there is a lot of “degrading and insulting the other”, instead of simply promoting yourself on the campaign.

As you know in Indonesia it never ever gets this nasty or this personal. I wonder why? Hope you can write something about this haha.

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Interesting article. I don't disagree that Trump do act like a bully. You're also right that at the end of the day, all of Trump's bluster is just that, bluster while the Democrats were actually willing to actually take real action (ironic).

However, you're also leaving out the context to Trumpism. Prior to Trump, the conservatives were the ones bullied by the Democrats. They were the ones being told they were "racist" or "sexist" or "homophobic" because of their beliefs. You can see it when Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as "a basket of deplorables". How is that for being unpresidential? So in a sense, Trump was the conservatives' revenge: on the Democrats' for their bullying, and on the GOP for not doing anything about it.

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